уторак, 1. децембар 2015.

Hello December

Pozdrav svima ! :)
Bliže se praznici, zima uveliko, a mi imamo sreću što nam je naišao opet topli talas pa možemo da šetamo, uživamo napolju i oblačimo ležerniju garderobu. Protekli dani su prošli radno. Polagala sam kolokvijume a i radila mada i u svim tim obavezama pronašla malo vremena za sebe. Kao što sam rekla u proteklom periodu je bilo dosta obaveza, pa nisam stigla u svoj rodni grad da odem, ali posle više od mesec dana ću otići u Kulu. Radujem se druženju sa roditeljima, a i sa mojom Ivanicom - bestie. :) Pošto smo obe na različtim strana, ne stižemo često da se viđamo ali u zamenu za to na telefonu se troše minuti, sati...:) Zato kad se vidimo sigurno će "odlazak na kaficu" da se oduži. Što se tiče outfita-a zimske boje, slojevito, opušteno a opet malo drugačije...:) 

Hello everyone ! :)
Holidays are closer,especially winter, and we have luck to enjoy in this nice weather, where we can walk, go outside, and we can wear layered clothes. The last days were full of obligations. I had some test on my college, and also i was working, but even if i had so much things to do, i had some free time for myself. As I said in the past few weeks i had so much obligations, so i did not go to my hometown, but after a month, i am coming to Kula. I look forward to spending time with my parents, and also with my bestie Ivanica.:) 
Because we live in a different cities, we do not have time to see each other so often, but instead of that we spend minutes, hours on mobile.:) So when we go for a coffee, the coffee and our conversation is going to last. As for the outfit, winter colors , layered, casual , but yet a little differently...:) 

Have a nice day ! :)

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