четвртак, 2. март 2017.


Obožavam ove prolećne temperature i sunce koje nas tera da izađemo napolje i udahnemo vazduh punim plućima! Dosta je bilo ovih dosadnih tmurnih dana, vreme je za kratke jaknice i slojevito oblačenje. Kako nam je stiglo ovo divno sunce dobila sam volju odmah da tražim nove destinacije koje bih mogla da posetim. Odluka je doneta, avionska karta kupljena. Odbrojavanje može da počne! 
Što se tiče outfita častila sam sebe sa dva nova komada koja su postala in ove sezone.
P.S. Živite sadašnji momenat,volite,smejte se,putujte,učite...budite najbolja verzija sebe!

I love this spring temperatures and the sun that makes us want to go outside and breathe the fresh air!
It was enough of these annoying cloudy days,it is time for short jackets and layered clothing. Because of this amazing weather , I got desire to look for some new destinations that I could visit. And finally I booked the flight. The countdown can begin! As for the outfit , I bought two new pieces that have become in this season.
P.S. Live this moment,love,laugh, travel, learn...Be the best version of yourself!

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